The B&O marked the 100th anniversary of the Carrollton Viaduct by reenacting the railroad’s transformation from horsepower to steam locomotion with original equipment. Also pictured is a 1929 state-of-the-art steam locomotive. Courtesy of the B&O Railroad Museum.

A cropped portion of a print of the Union encampment on the grounds of Mount Clare showing McPherson’s Hotel. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Massachusetts Militia being attacked by pro-secessionist Marylanders during the Baltimore Riot. Engraving by F.F. Walker, 1861. Courtesy of the Maryland Center for History and Culture.

Schuetzen Park

Wading pool at Carroll Park, open to white children only, circa 1923. Courtesy of the Maryland Center for History and Culture.

The newly formed Pitch and Putt Women’s Golf Club at Clifton Park, circa 1940. Courtesy of the AFRO American newspaper.

Postcard of the Baltimore Catalog House, circa 1925. Public domain image.